بين 10 بيماري که بيشترين بار را به جامعه وارد ميکند چند تاي آنها از دسته اختلالات روانپزشکي هستند و ترتيب آن در کشور ما چگونه است؟
پنج تا از ده بيماري :افسردگي ،اعتياد،ساير بيماريهاي روانپزشکي مثل اضطراب ،وسواس و پانيک،اختلالات رفتاري ،بيخوابي
پنج تا از ده بيماري :اعتياد ،بيخوابي ،افسردگي ،اختلالات رفتاري،اختلالات شناختي
سه تا از ده بيماري: اعتياد ،افسردگي،بيخوابي
چهار تا از ده بيماري :اضطراب ،افسردگي ،اعتياد،بيخوابي


Surname : Kafian Tafti

Forname : Alireza

Date of birth : 1971/3/29

E-mail : info@drkafian.ir



Speciality in Psychiatry : Iran University of Medical Sciences,Tehran,Iran,2006

M.D : Yazd University of Medical sciences ,Yazd , Iran , 1994-2001


Professional activities

Chief of educational Psychiatry Hospital- Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ,2007-2009

Head of substance dependency treatment clinic, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences,2007-2008

Member of Education development committee, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ,2008-2009

Assistant professor of Psychiatry .Zahedan University of Medical Sciences 2006-2009

Member of executive committee in 5th and 6th Meeting of Iranian Psychiatric association ,Tehran 2005 and 2006

Member of Scientific committee in 2th National Congress on risk behaviors-Zahedan ,October 2007

Member of Scientific committee in 4th National Congress on addiction ,Zahedan ,May2008

Teaching in methadone maintenance treatment course for general practitioners, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ,March 2009

Teaching and instruct doctorpatient relationship work shops for Medical students and residents,Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ,2007-2009

Teaching and instruct clinical examination Course, for professors, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences 2008

Teaching relationship with aged patients , for health employees , Zahedan University of Medical Sciences , 2007



Neurophysiology of sleep ,Congress on sleep disorders and psychiatric disorders-Emam Khomeini Hospital –Tehran University of Medical Sciences .October 2006

Psychosomatic disorders and Dermatology ,6th Annual Meeting of Iranian psychiatric association ,Milad Hospital ,Tehran ,2006

Disability adjusted life years by addiction in Iran .4th National Congress on addiction, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences 2008

Psychiatric aspects of AIDS, Congress on AIDS and prevention ,Free University of Zahedan ,2007

Psychiatric care in exposure with stress ,congress on psychological support in natural disasters ,Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. 2007

Nursing cares in Mood disorders , Zahedan University of Medical Sciences ,2009



Afkham A ,Salehi M ,Kafian Tafti A.R ,Obsessive -Compulsive disorder in dermatology out patients ,International Journal of psychiatry in clinical practice ,December ,2006

Afkham A , Ghale Bandi M.F, Salehi M , Kafian Tafti A.R , Vakili Y , Sleep parameters and the factors affecting the quality of sleep in patients attending selected clinics of Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital ,Journal of Iran university of Medical sciences, Spring , 2008

Afkham A , Salehi M , Chale Bandi M.F , Kafian Tafti A.R psychological health and expectations of patients seeking cosmetic Rhinoplasty , Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran ,2009, under press

Kafian Tafti A.R , Bakhshani N.M , Afkham A , Prevalence of Benzodiazepines Consumption and its patterns in psychiatry out patients in Zahedan , Tabib-E-Shargh journal, under arbitration

Shamshiri Nezam T , Kafian Tafti A.R , Ansari S, Epidemiological assessment of depression and its relational factors among Medical students of IUMS , journal of scientific researches of students of Iran , 2006

Shamshiri Nezam T ,Kafian Tafti A .R , Ansari S , psychiatric assessment of computer games users by MMPI test in Tehran , journal of scientific researches of students of Iran , 2006



Prevalence of anxiety disorders in cardiology clinics in Zahedan , 2006-2007

Comparative assessment of suicide intent between MMT and non MMT addicted patients in Zahedan , 2007-2008

Assessment of self-esteem and its relational factors among medical students in Zahedan university of Medical Sciences, 2007-2008

Comparative assessment of criminal behaviors in addicted patients before and after MMT , 2006-2007

Relation between anxiety disorders and IBS in Gastro –Intestinal clinics in Zahedan , 2006-2007

Comparative assessment of cognitive status between PTSD patients and other anxiety disorders by MMSE in Zahedan psychiatry clinic, 2007-2008